Neural Networks Classifier — Week 1
Quote for the day: Seek success, but prepare for vegetables.
Before we learn what TensorFlow is, let us understand the concept of Neural Networks in Machine Learning.
If you are curious to know what TensorFlow is please visit the below website:
Neural Network — Please study Linear Algebra and Calculus, which will help you in analysing bits and pieces to connect dots.

If you are following my Machine Learning weekly articles then you would understand what classifier does and how we can use/build classifier to achieve desired output.
Neural Network is a type of classifier(Function which takes desired input and the result of output is defined with a label type) which solves complex problems.
Each dots is the above diagram is called as a Neuron, we want to know if the given image contains Dog/Cat, we feed the image into the input neuron and there is something called as Weights and Bias tuned in the hidden layers to get desired output; where we are expecting single output based on the label we defined.
Please refer Tensorflow for beginners, intermediate and expect, understand Keras basics and load data.